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Awesome ......A story in one of the schools in Bangalore where admission is considered impossible!!!
Awesome ......A story in one of the schools in Bangalore where admission is considered impossible!!!
To get UKG admission
The child could not understand why they brought her there..
When we all were standing, the school principal started to converse with the English only! This is one of the most memorable interview I have ever witnessed in my life..
Here goes..
"What's your name?"
"Good. Tell me something you know"
"I know many things. Tell me what you want...!"
Alas, there is no better point for not getting the admission!
Sita's mother was trying to make up the situation but the principal stopped her..
Turning to child, she said.. "Tell any rhyme or story which you know.."
Again,"Which one you want.. Rhyme or Story!?"
"Ok. Plz tell me a story.."
"Do uou want to hear what I studied or what I wrote..!?"
Taken to surprise, she asked "Oh! you write stories...???"
"Why should I not write..?"
Now even I was taken aback But she was impressed with the answer. She ( including us) would have not heard such a story in our life...
Ok, tell me story which you have written-?
Sita said
One day "Ravanan kidnapped Sita & took her to Srilanka"
The opening scene failed to impress but still she encouraged the child to continue..
"Rama asked Hanumans help to rescue Sita. Hanuman too agreed to help Rama ..."
"Now, Hanuman called his friend Spider man." No one expected this twist in the story!!
"Because there are lot of mountains between India and Srilanka.. but if we have Spiderman we can go easily with his rope..."
"But Hanuman can fly isn't it.. ?"
"Yes. But he is having Sanjeevi Mountain on one hand so he cannot fly very fast.!"
All is quiet, after a while Sita asked "Should I continue or not?.".
"Ok plz continue!"
"Hanuman and Spiderman flew to Srilanka and rescued Sita. Sita said Thanks to both!"
"When you are helped you should say Thanks!"
So Sita requested Hanuman to call Hulk..."
All were surprised.She realized our curiosity and said " Now Sita is there, so to take her safely back to Rama she called Hulk"
"What??? "Hanuman can carry Sita right?"
"Yes. But he has Sanjeevi Mountain in one hand and has to hold spider man on the other"
No one could control thier smiles. " So when they all started to India they met my friend Akshay! "
"How come Akshay there now?"
"Because its my story and I can bring any one there!"
The principal didn't get angry but waited for the next twist
Then all started to India and landed at Bangalore majestic bus stop!
Now I asked,"Why they have landed In majestic bus stop?
"Because they forgot the way..& Hulk got an idea and called Dora!"
I came to know about Dora only there...!
"Dora came and she took Sita to malleshwaram 5th cross ..... that's all!"
She finished the story with a smile.. 😀
The principal asks "Why malleshwaram 5th cross...?"
"Because sita lives there & i am Sita!!!"
The principal was impressed and embraced the child. She has been admitted in UKG & was gifted with a Dora doll...
Kids can really amaze... but we clip their wings (creativity) expecting them to do things as we see it right & not from their viewpoint.
Let's give every child freedom to do their own thing & watch their dreams come true...
it is One of the good posts I've seen....don't neglect share other groups👊.
आज का इंसान दुखी क्यों है ?
लोग नाम दान ले चुके हैं
लोग गीता रामायण गायत्री मंत्र, महामृत्युंजय मंत्र, कई ग्रंथ पोथी पाठ regular पढ़ते रहते हैं
लोग भजन कीर्तन करते सुनते हैं
फिर भी लोग दुखी क्यों ?
गीता तो पढ़ ली, *ग्रन्थ तो पढ़ लिया पर अमल करें कौन ?*
घमंड जाता नहीं
एक दूजे के प्रति जलन जाती नहीं
सत्संग 40 साल से जाते हैं पर सुनते हैं क्या, सोते रहते हैं,
खर्राटे भरते रहते हैं, फिर क्या फायदा सत्संग जाने का,
*सत्संग सुनने के बाद भागते हो नाश्ते खाने के लिए*, जैसे कभी खाना खाया ही नहीं. जैसे 10 साल से भूखे हो, जैसे खाना आपको मिलेगा ही नहीं.
*गुरु बार बार आपको कहते हैं कि उनके पीछे भागो मत, उनके पांव मत पड़ो, जो कुछ है वो निराकार परमात्मा को मानो ..पर सुने कौन ?*
दौड़ पड़ते हैं आगे से दर्शन, नजदीक से दर्शन, सामने से दर्शन, अरे भाई, दर्शन से अगर कोई फायदा होता तो उनके साथ जो आते जाते हैं, वे कब के महान हो गए होते,
*सब कुछ है सिर्फ निराकार शिव में*.
फिर कई लोग करते हैं, इसकी उसकी गिला, बहु बेटियों की गिला, आस पड़ोस की गिला, सास बहू की गिला,
ये सब करके आप अपने पाप बढ़ाते हो, जिनकी आप गिला करते हो, उनके पाप कम करते हो, ये भी नहीं पता क्या ?
Movie में 3 घण्टे एक टक बैठते हैं, शादी पार्टी शराब पार्टी में 3 से 5 घन्टे enjoy करते हैं, *picnic पर one week ऐश करते हैं*
तभी *आज का इंसान दुखी है*
दुःख के सब तालों की चाबी एक ही है ।
21 Ideas - How can I improve myself within a month?
- Detoxify your speech. Reduce the use of cuss words. Be polite.
- Read everyday. Doesn’t matter what. Choose whatever interests you.
- Promise yourself that you will never talk rudely to your parents. They never deserve it.
- Observe people around you. Imbibe their virtues.
- Spend some time with nature everyday.
- Feed the stray animals. Yes, it feels good to feed the hungry.
- No ego. No ego. No ego. Just learn, learn and learn.
- Do not hesitate to clarify a doubt. “He who asks a question remains fool for 5 minutes. He who does not ask remains a fool forever”.
- Whatever you do, do it with full involvement. That’s meditation.
- Keep distance from people who give you negative vibes but never hold grudges.
- Stop comparing yourself with others. If you won’t stop, you will never know your own potential.
- “The biggest failure in life is the failure to try”. Always remember this.
- “I cried as I had no shoes until I saw a man who had no feet”. Never complain.
- Plan your day. It will take a few minutes but will save your days.
- Everyday, for a few minutes, sit in silence. I mean sit with yourself. Just yourself. Magic will flow.
- In a healthy body resides a healthy mind. Do not litter it with junk.
- For one month, eat home cooked meals.
- Keep your body hydrated at all times. Practice drinking 8–10 glasses of water.
- Make a habit to eat at least one serving of raw vegetable salad on a daily basis.
- Take care of your health. “He who has health has hope and he who has hope has everything”.
- Life is short. Life is simple. Do not complicate it. Don’t forget to smile........
7 Tips to Improve Your Eyesight FAST
Not that long ago, eyesight deterioration and strain was primarily caused by natural aging. Today, however, screens and artificial lights have piled on.
As a result, eye doctors say that the general rate of vision deterioration is accelerating at an alarming pace. How alarming? Well, 35-year-olds are popping up with the sort of eye damage that was once seen in 75-year-olds. I’ve been wearing glasses for more than 12 years. I know the struggle of dealing with vision loss and I’m sure many of you do too. And while it might seem like there’s nothing that can be done except getting stronger glasses prescriptions every now and again, there actually are ways to combat vision loss and prevent further damage. Check out these 7 exercises!
The Pencil Trick
According to research from the Middle East African Journal of Opthalmology, this exercise is a great alternative to expensive professional eye therapy.
If you wear glasses, take them off. Then, grab a pencil and hold it in front of you at arm’s length. Focus on it with both eyes and slowly begin to move the pencil towards your nose. Stop when it disappears. Repeat this exercise about 10 times daily.
Writing on the Wall
Sit down in a chair that’s facing a wall. The chair and wall should be several feet apart. Using only the movement of your eyes – don’t adjust your head – trace a word on the wall using your imaginary eye ink. The bigger the letters the better.
The sunning process harnesses the most powerful thing we can see from Earth – the sun – and converts it into an eyesight-healer.
Head outside on a sunny day and sit facing our good old solar friend. Close your eyes and allow the sunlight to fall directly on your eyelids for about 5 minutes. After the 5 minutes, you should notice that your eyesight is a bit clearer.
Make sure you’re not wearing contacts as you perform this exercise, as the lenses will produce heat that can damage your eyes.
Gingko Biloba Supplements
Ginkgo biloba is one of the oldest living species of tree on the planet. It has been used for centuries to treat a number of conditions, including vision loss.
Today, researchers know that ginkgo biloba improves eye health by boosting blood circulation and repairing oxidation damage to the body.
You can buy ginkgo biloba in the form of supplements. The standard 120 mg daily dose will repair eyesight just fine.
Vitamin E
Vitamin E and your eyes make a pretty good pair. That’s because vitamin E is an antioxidant that can reverse cataracts, the leading cause of blindness in the world.
A great source of vitamin E is almonds. Eat a handful daily.
Fennel Seeds
Fennel seeds reduce eye pressure, thereby supporting blood vessel dilation. In the long term, this prevents glaucoma – a condition that results in progressive eye nerve damage.
Take one cup each of almonds and fennel seeds. Toss them both into your blender and blend into a fine powder. Eat one tablespoon of this powder daily before bed, followed by a glass of warm milk. Do this for a minimum of 40 days.
Indian Gross berry
Indian gooseberry strengthens your eyes thanks to its high vitamin C content and powerful antioxidant capabilities.
To use Indian gooseberry for your eyes, you’ll want to turn it into a powder. You can also buy organic Indian gooseberry powder here.
Mix two to four teaspoons of the powder with water and honey. Drink this daily for at least a few months.
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Time for Great Transformation - Now or Never
परमात्म शक्ति द्वारा महा परिवर्तन का Time
जैसे पानी की कमी से शरीर वा संसार में हाहाकार मच जाता है। वैसे ही आज संसार में पवित्रता की कमी से हाहाकार मचा हुआ है। अपवित्रता की अग्नि सारे मानव समाज को झुलसा रही है।"विषय वैतरणी नदी"आज के समय में जैसे बह रही है और उसमे समाज के सुशिक्षित,ऊँच पदासीन और तथाकथित धर्म के ठेकेदार जिस तरह गोते मार रहें हैं,यह तो कभी किसी ने सोचा भी नही होगा।
महाभारत के serial में एक द्रोपदी का चीर-हरण और रामायण के serial में एक सीता हरण का दृश्य पर्दे पर देख आँसू बहाने वालों ने तनिक सोचा भी नही होगा कि एक दिन हर मुहल्ले,हर गली में ही नही हर घर में ऐसी घटनाओं का live प्रसारण देखेंगे। पवित्रता की कमी से उपजी काम की इस अग्नि को भड़काने में इंटरनेट,फिल्मे,प्रिंट और इलेक्ट्रोनिक मीडिया घी का काम कर रहें हैं।
इसलिए राजयोग के अभ्यास से अपने अंदर शान्ति प्रेम और पवित्रता की शक्ति भरना आज बहुत ही जरूरी है। यह सोचना कि"जब फुर्सत मिलेगी तब करेंगे" बिलकुल गलत है। मनुष्य वर्तमान और भविष्य की आवश्यकताओं को ध्यान में रखते हुए धनार्जन या विद्यार्जन जवानी में ही करता है तो फिर राजयोग के अभ्यास से अपने को शान्ति,प्रेम और पवित्रता जैसे सदगुणों से recharge करने के अति महत्वपूर्ण कार्य के लिए बुढ़ापे का इन्तजार क्यों???
यह फैंसला तो स्वयं को करना होगा कि आत्मिक रूप से शक्तियों से charge करने के लिए उपयुक्त समय वा आयु कौन सी है???यदि हम फुर्सत का इन्तजार करते हैं तो फुर्सत के पल तो पूरी जिन्दगी नही मिलते।परमात्म शक्ति द्वारा महापरिवर्तन का समय केवल अभी है।
What Time Should You Sleep and Why???
Amazing article - forwarded:
What Time Should You Sleep??
By James Pang
Is there a best time to sleep? There is a saying that sleeping early and waking up early is good for your health. How true is that? Is it alright to sleep late and wake up late?
You actually have an amazing biological clock ticking inside your body. It is very precise. It helps to regulate your various body functions including your sleeping time.
From 11pm to 3am, most of your blood circulation concentrates in your liver. Your liver gets larger when filled with more blood. This is an important time when your body undergoes detoxification process. Your liver neutralizes and breaks down body toxins accumulated throughout the day.
However if you don't sleep at this time, your liver cannot carry out this detoxification process smoothly.
· If you sleep at 11pm, you have full 4 hours to detoxify your body.
· If you sleep at 12am, you have 3 hours.
· If you sleep at 1am, you have 2 hours.
· And if you sleep at 2am, you only have 1 Hour to Detoxify.
What if you sleep after 3 a.m.? Unfortunately, you won't have any time to actually detoxify your body. If you continue with this sleeping pattern, these toxins will accumulate in your body over time. You know what happens next.
What if you sleep late and wake up late?
Have you tried going to bed very late at night? Did you realize you feel very tired the next day no matter how much you sleep ?
Sleeping late and waking up late is indeed very bad for your health. Besides not having enough time to detoxify your body, you will miss out other important body functions too.
From 3am to 5am, most blood circulation concentrates in your lung. What should you do at this moment? Well, you should exercise and breathe in fresh air. Take in good energy into your body, preferably in a garden. At this time, the air is very fresh with lots of beneficial negative ions.
From 5am to 7am, most blood circulation concentrates in your large intestine. What should you do at this moment? You should poop! Pass out all unwanted poop from your large intestine. Prepare your body to absorb more nutrients throughout the day.
From 7am to 9am, most blood circulation concentrates in your STOMACH. What should you do at this moment? Have your breakfast! This is your most important meal in a day. Make sure you have all the required nutrients from your breakfast. Not having breakfast causes lots of health problems for you in the future.
That's the way to start your day
No wonder people living in villages or in farms are healthier. They sleep early and wake up early as they follow their natural biological clock.
If one follows this you're sure to feel fresher and more energetic all day long.
Happy New YOU in 2020: Subtitles English: BK Shivani - Written Wishes
Happy New Year Greetings & Best Wishes Don't you feel the year went by so quickly, that we didn't even realize? We had ...
If you are looking for Part Time Jobs you have reached the right place. Whether you are located anywhere, availability of part time online...
Amazing article - forwarded: What Time Should You Sleep?? By James Pang Is there a best time to sleep? There is a saying that sleeping ea...
Not that long ago, eyesight deterioration and strain was primarily caused by natural aging. Today, however, screens and artificial light...